MolluscaBase source details
Zamarro, M.; García-Álvarez, Ó.; Urgorri, V. (2015). On the biodiversity of the family Simrothiellidae (Mollusca, Solenogastres) in the upper-slope of the NW Iberian Peninsula with the description of three new species. Marine Biodiversity. 46: 655-680.
10.1007/s12526-015-0414-9 [view]
Zamarro, M.; García-Álvarez, Ó.; Urgorri, V.
On the biodiversity of the family Simrothiellidae (Mollusca, Solenogastres) in the upper-slope of the NW Iberian Peninsula with the description of three new species
Marine Biodiversity
46: 655-680
Published online 18 November 2015; print edition published September 2016
Adoryherpia Gil-Mansilla, García-Álvarez & Urgorri, 2009 (additional source)
Adoryherpia megaradulata Zamarro, García-Álvarez & Urgorri, 2015 (original description)
Kruppomenia bulla Zamarro, García-Álvarez & Urgorri, 2015 (original description)
Kruppomenia vitucoi Zamarro & García-Álvarez, 2015 (original description)
Adoryherpia megaradulata Zamarro, García-Álvarez & Urgorri, 2015 (original description)
Kruppomenia bulla Zamarro, García-Álvarez & Urgorri, 2015 (original description)
Kruppomenia vitucoi Zamarro & García-Álvarez, 2015 (original description)