Between brackets is the number of accepted species

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- Mollusca (132 476)
- Subphylum Aculifera
- Subphylum Conchifera
- Subphylum Placophora accepted as Polyplacophora
- Superclass Aplacophora
- Class Amphineura accepted as Aculifera
- Class Bivalvia (24 901)
- Class Caudofoveata (143)
- Class Cephalopoda (1 810)
- Class Conchifera accepted as Bivalvia
- Class Cricoconarida † (1)
- Class Gastropoda (102 514)
- Class Lamellibranchiata accepted as Bivalvia
- Class Loricata accepted as Polyplacophora
- Class Mollusca incertae sedis † (372)
- Class Monoplacophora (229)
- Class Pelecypoda accepted as Bivalvia
- Class Polyplacophora (1 377)
- Class Polyplaxiphora accepted as Polyplacophora
- Class Rostroconchia † (64)
- Class Scaphopoda (752)
- Order Dentaliida (438)
- Order Gadilida (314)
- Suborder Entalimorpha (37)
- Suborder Gadilimorpha (277)
- Infraorder Loxoporidae accepted as Gadilidae Stoliczka, 1868
- Family Gadilida incertae sedis (18)
- Family Gadilidae Stoliczka, 1868 (226)
- Family Pulsellidae Boss, 1982 (27)
- Family Wemersoniellidae Scarabino, 1986 (6)
- Genus Chistikovia Scarabino, 1995 (2)
- Species Chistikovia atlantica V. Scarabino & F. Scarabino, 2011
- Species Chistikovia kermadecae Scarabino, 1995
- Genus Emersoniella Scarabino, 1965 accepted as Wemersoniella Scarabino, 1986
- Genus Wemersoniella Scarabino, 1986 (4)
- Class Solenoconchia accepted as Scaphopoda
- Class Solenogastres (313)
- Subclass Chaetodermomorpha accepted as Caudofoveata