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Anistratenko, O. Yu.; Anistratenko, V. V. (2007). O probleme sistematicheskogo polozheniya i rodstvennykh svyazey sarmatskikh mollyuskov gruppy "Trochus blainvillei" (Gastropoda: Archaeogastropoda) [A problem of taxonomy and relationships of Sarmatian Molluscs of the "Trochus blainvillei" Group (Gastropoda: Archaeogastropoda)]. In: Gozhik, P. F. (Ed.). Paleontologicheskiye issledovaniya v Ukraine: istoriya, sovremennoye sostoyaniye i perspektivy. Zbirnyk naukovykh prats Instytutu heolohichnykh nauk NAN Ukrayiny. Nora-print, Kiev, pp. 315-320.
Anistratenko, O. Yu.; Anistratenko, V. V. (2007). O probleme sistematicheskogo polozheniya i rodstvennykh svyazey sarmatskikh mollyuskov gruppy "Trochus blainvillei" (Gastropoda: Archaeogastropoda) [A problem of taxonomy and relationships of Sarmatian Molluscs of the "Trochus blainvillei" Group (Gastropoda: Archaeogastropoda)]. In: Gozhik, P. F. (Ed.). Paleontologicheskiye issledovaniya v Ukraine: istoriya, sovremennoye sostoyaniye i perspektivy. Zbirnyk naukovykh prats Instytutu heolohichnykh nauk NAN Ukrayiny. Nora-print, Kiev, pp. 315-320.