MolluscaBase taxon details

Pleurodonte Fischer von Waldheim, 1807

870600  (

Chrysodon Ancey, 1887 · unaccepted (Replaced by Gonostomopsis on the...)  
Replaced by Gonostomopsis on the assumption that it was preoccupied by Chrysodon Oken, 1815, which however was published in a work placed on the Official Index
Helix (Pleurodonta) Albers, 1850 · unaccepted (unjustified emendation to...)  
unjustified emendation to original name, Pleurodonte Fischer von Waldheim, 1807
Pleurodonta Pilsbry, 1926 · unaccepted (inadvertent emendation)


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  1. Species Pleurodonte adamsiana G. H. Clapp, 1901
  2. Species Pleurodonte dentiens (A. Férussac, 1822)
  3. Species Pleurodonte discolor (A. Férussac, 1821)
  4. Species Pleurodonte guadeloupensis (Pilsbry, 1889)
  5. Species Pleurodonte incerta (A. Férussac, 1823) (accepted > unreplaced junior homonym)
  6. Species Pleurodonte isabella (A. Férussac, 1822)
  7. Species Pleurodonte josephinae (A. Férussac, 1832)
  8. Species Pleurodonte lehneri (Trechmann, 1935) †
  9. Species Pleurodonte lychnuchus (O. F. Müller, 1774)
  10. Species Pleurodonte nigrescens (W. Wood, 1828)
  11. Species Pleurodonte orbiculata (A. Férussac, 1822)
  12. Species Pleurodonte pachygastra (J. E. Gray, 1834)
  13. Species Pleurodonte parilis (A. Férussac, 1822)
  14. Species Pleurodonte soror (A. Férussac, 1821)
  15. Species Pleurodonte wilsoni B. Roth, 1984 †
  16. Subgenus Pleurodonte (Caracolus) Montfort, 1810 accepted as Caracolus Montfort, 1810 (unaccepted combination)
    1. Species Pleurodonte (Caracolus) lowei Pilsbry, 1929 accepted as Caracolus lowei (Pilsbry, 1929) (original combination)
    2. Species Pleurodonte (Caracolus) sagemon (H. Beck, 1837) accepted as Caracolus sagemon (H. Beck, 1837) (unaccepted combination)
    3. Species Pleurodonte (Caracolus) welchi Pilsbry, 1929 accepted as Caracolus welchi (Pilsbry, 1929) (original combination)
  17. Subgenus Pleurodonte (Dendrocochlis) Pilsbry & A. P. Brown, 1910 accepted as Thelidomus Swainson, 1840
  18. Subgenus Pleurodonte (Dentellaria) Schumacher, 1817 accepted as Dentellaria Schumacher, 1817
    1. Species Pleurodonte (Dentellaria) bernardi Kimball, 1947 † accepted as Lucerna bernardi (Kimball, 1947) † (unaccepted > superseded combination)
    2. Species Pleurodonte (Dentellaria) cara (C. B. Adams, 1849) accepted as Dentellaria cara (C. B. Adams, 1849) (unaccepted combination)
  19. Subgenus Pleurodonte (Eurycratera) H. Beck, 1837 accepted as Eurycratera H. Beck, 1837 (unaccepted > superseded rank)
    1. Species Pleurodonte (Eurycratera) jamaicensis (Gmelin, 1791) accepted as Eurycratera jamaicensis (Gmelin, 1791) (unaccepted > superseded combination)
  20. Subgenus Pleurodonte (Isomeria) Albers, 1850 accepted as Isomeria Albers, 1850 (unaccepted rank)
    1. Species Pleurodonte (Isomeria) faunus (R. A. Philippi, 1851) accepted as Isomeria faunus (R. A. Philippi, 1851) (unaccepted > superseded combination)
    2. Species Pleurodonte (Isomeria) meobambensis (L. Pfeiffer, 1857) accepted as Isomeria meobambensis (L. Pfeiffer, 1857) (unaccepted combination)
  21. Subgenus Pleurodonte (Labyrinthus) H. Beck, 1837 accepted as Labyrinthus H. Beck, 1837 (unaccepted rank)
    1. Species Pleurodonte (Labyrinthus) clappi Pilsbry, 1901 accepted as Labyrinthus clappi (Pilsbry, 1901) (original combination)
    2. Species Pleurodonte (Labyrinthus) dacostiana Preston, 1907 accepted as Labyrinthus diminutus Gude, 1903 (junior synonym)
    3. Species Pleurodonte (Labyrinthus) goldmani Dall, 1912 accepted as Labyrinthus subplanatus sipunculatus (Forbes, 1850) (unaccepted > junior subjective synonym)
    4. Species Pleurodonte (Labyrinthus) manueli (E. T. Higgins, 1872) accepted as Labyrinthus manueli E. T. Higgins, 1872 (unaccepted > superseded combination)
    5. Species Pleurodonte (Labyrinthus) tenaculum Dall, 1909 accepted as Labyrinthus uncigerus (Petit de la Saussaye, 1838) (unaccepted > junior subjective synonym)
  22. Subgenus Pleurodonte (Polydontes) Montfort, 1810 accepted as Polydontes Montfort, 1810 (unaccepted combination)
    1. Species Pleurodonte (Polydontes) angulata (A. Férussac, 1821) (unaccepted > nomen nudum)
  23. Subgenus Pleurodonte (Zachrysia) Pilsbry, 1894 accepted as Zachrysia Pilsbry, 1894
    1. Species Pleurodonte (Zachrysia) torrei J. B. Henderson, 1916 accepted as Zachrysia torrei (J. B. Henderson, 1916) (original name)
    2. Species Pleurodonte (Zachrysia) provisoria (L. Pfeiffer, 1858) represented as Zachrysia provisoria (L. Pfeiffer, 1858)
  24. Species Pleurodonte acuta (Lamarck, 1816) accepted as Lucerna lamarckii (A. Férussac, 1821) (junior synonym)
  25. Species Pleurodonte acutangula (Burrow, 1815) accepted as Polydontes acutangula (Burrow, 1815) accepted as Parthena angulata (A. Férussac, 1822) accepted as Parthena acutangula (Burrow, 1815) (unaccepted combination)
  26. Species Pleurodonte amabilis (C. B. Adams, 1850) accepted as Dentellaria amabilis (C. B. Adams, 1850) (unaccepted combination)
  27. Species Pleurodonte anomala (L. Pfeiffer, 1849) accepted as Dentellaria anomala (L. Pfeiffer, 1849) (unaccepted combination)
  28. Species Pleurodonte atavus (L. Pfeiffer, 1859) accepted as Dentellaria atavus (L. Pfeiffer, 1859) (unaccepted combination)
  29. Species Pleurodonte auricoma (A. Férussac, 1821) accepted as Zachrysia auricoma (A. Férussac, 1821) (unaccepted combination)
  30. Species Pleurodonte badia (A. Férussac, 1832) accepted as Pleurodonte guadeloupensis (Pilsbry, 1889) (unaccepted > unavailable name)
  31. Species Pleurodonte bainbridgei [sic] accepted as Lucerna bainbridgii (L. Pfeiffer, 1845) (misspelling of original species name, Helix bainbridgii L. Pfeiffer, 1845.)
  32. Species Pleurodonte bainbridgii (L. Pfeiffer, 1845) accepted as Lucerna bainbridgii (L. Pfeiffer, 1845) (unaccepted combination)
  33. Species Pleurodonte bifurcata (Deshayes, 1838) accepted as Isomeria bifurcata (Deshayes, 1838) accepted as Labyrinthus bifurcatus (Deshayes, 1838) (unaccepted combination)
  34. Species Pleurodonte bizonalis (Deshayes, 1850) accepted as Caracolus bizonalis (Deshayes, 1850) (unaccepted combination)
  35. Species Pleurodonte bowdeniana C. T. Simpson, 1895 † accepted as Lucerna bowdeniana (C. T. Simpson, 1895) † (unaccepted > superseded combination)
  36. Species Pleurodonte bronni (L. Pfeiffer, 1846) accepted as Dentellaria bronni (L. Pfeiffer, 1846) (unaccepted combination)
  37. Species Pleurodonte browneana (L. Pfeiffer, 1862) accepted as Dentellaria tridentina (A. Férussac, 1832) (junior synonym)
  38. Species Pleurodonte candescens (C. B. Adams, 1850) accepted as Dentellaria candescens (C. B. Adams, 1850) (unaccepted combination)
  39. Species Pleurodonte cara (C. B. Adams, 1849) accepted as Dentellaria cara (C. B. Adams, 1849) (unaccepted combination)
  40. Species Pleurodonte carmelita (A. Férussac, 1821) accepted as Lucerna mora (J. E. Gray, 1833) (junior synonym)
  41. Species Pleurodonte carocolla (Linnaeus, 1758) accepted as Caracolus carocolla (Linnaeus, 1758) (unaccepted combination)
  42. Species Pleurodonte catadupae H. B. Baker, 1935 accepted as Dentellaria catadupae (H. B. Baker, 1935) (unaccepted combination)
  43. Species Pleurodonte chemnitziana (L. Pfeiffer, 1845) accepted as Lucerna chemnitziana (L. Pfeiffer, 1845) (unaccepted combination)
  44. Species Pleurodonte clappi Pilsbry, 1901 accepted as Labyrinthus clappi (Pilsbry, 1901) (unaccepted combination)
  45. Species Pleurodonte crispata (A. Férussac, 1821) accepted as Hispaniolana crispata (A. Férussac, 1821) (unaccepted combination)
  46. Species Pleurodonte crusta (Dall, 1890) † accepted as Cepolis (Plagioptycha) crusta (Dall, 1890) † represented as Cepolis crusta (Dall, 1890) † (unaccepted > superseded combination)
  47. Species Pleurodonte cunctator (Dall, 1890) † accepted as Cepolis (Plagioptycha) cunctator (Dall, 1890) † represented as Cepolis cunctator (Dall, 1890) † (unaccepted > superseded combination)
  48. Species Pleurodonte diespiter (Dall, 1890) † accepted as Pleurodontites diespiter (Dall, 1890) † (unaccepted > superseded combination)
  49. Species Pleurodonte eohippina T. D. A. Cockerell, 1915 † accepted as Eohipptychia eohippina (T. D. A. Cockerell, 1915) † (unaccepted > superseded combination)
  50. Species Pleurodonte formosa (A. Férussac, 1822) accepted as Dentellaria formosa (A. Férussac, 1822) (unaccepted > superseded combination)
  51. Species Pleurodonte fragilis F. Haas, 1949 accepted as Labyrinthus raimondii (R. A. Philippi, 1867) (junior synonym)
  52. Species Pleurodonte gigantea (Scopoli, 1786) accepted as Hispaniolana gigantea (Scopoli, 1786) (unaccepted combination)
  53. Species Pleurodonte goldmani Dall, 1912 accepted as Labyrinthus subplanatus sipunculatus (Forbes, 1850) (unaccepted > junior subjective synonym)
  54. Species Pleurodonte gudeana Ancey, 1904 accepted as Isomeria basidens gudeana (Ancey, 1904) (original combination)
  55. Species Pleurodonte haruspica (Dall, 1890) † accepted as Pleurodontites haruspica (Dall, 1890) † (unaccepted > superseded combination)
  56. Species Pleurodonte hesperarche (T. D. A. Cockerell, 1914) † accepted as Hodopoeus hesperarche (T. D. A. Cockerell, 1914) † (unaccepted > superseded combination)
  57. Species Pleurodonte ingens (C. B. Adams, 1850) accepted as Lucerna lamarckii (A. Férussac, 1821) (junior synonym)
  58. Species Pleurodonte invalida (C. B. Adams, 1850) accepted as Dentellaria invalida (C. B. Adams, 1850) (unaccepted combination)
  59. Species Pleurodonte kendrickensis Mansfield, 1937 † accepted as Pleurodontites kendrickensis (Mansfield, 1937) † (unaccepted > superseded combination)
  60. Species Pleurodonte lima (A. Férussac, 1821) accepted as Granodomus lima (A. Férussac, 1821) (unaccepted combination)
  61. Species Pleurodonte lindsleyana (Vendryes, 1899) accepted as Dentellaria atavus (L. Pfeiffer, 1859) (junior synonym)
  62. Species Pleurodonte lucerna (O. F. Müller, 1774) accepted as Lucerna lucerna (O. F. Müller, 1774) (unaccepted combination)
  63. Species Pleurodonte marginella (Gmelin, 1791) accepted as Caracolus marginella (Gmelin, 1791) (unaccepted combination)
  64. Species Pleurodonte michalkovaci H. Binder & Harzhauser, 2008 † accepted as Pseudochloritis michalkovaci (H. Binder & Harzhauser, 2008) † (unaccepted > superseded combination)
  65. Species Pleurodonte mora (J. E. Gray, 1833) accepted as Lucerna mora (J. E. Gray, 1833)
  66. Species Pleurodonte norica H. Binder, 2004 † accepted as Pseudochloritis norica (H. Binder, 2004) † (unaccepted > superseded combination)
  67. Species Pleurodonte obesa (H. Beck, 1837) accepted as Dentellaria obesa (H. Beck, 1837) (unaccepted > superseded combination)
  68. Species Pleurodonte okeniana (L. Pfeiffer, 1845) accepted as Dentellaria okeniana (L. Pfeiffer, 1845) (unaccepted combination)
  69. Species Pleurodonte otis ([Lightfoot], 1786) accepted as Labyrinthus otis ([Lightfoot], 1786) (unaccepted > superseded combination)
  70. Species Pleurodonte oxytenes (Pilsbry, 1889) accepted as Lucerna lucerna (O. F. Müller, 1774) (junior synonym)
  71. Species Pleurodonte pallescens (C. B. Adams, 1851) accepted as Dentellaria pallescens (C. B. Adams, 1851) (unaccepted combination)
  72. Species Pleurodonte patina (C. B. Adams, 1849) accepted as Lucerna lucerna (O. F. Müller, 1774) (junior synonym)
  73. Species Pleurodonte peracutissima (C. B. Adams, 1845) accepted as Dentellaria peracutissima (C. B. Adams, 1845) (unaccepted combination)
  74. Species Pleurodonte picturata (C. B. Adams, 1849) accepted as Dentellaria picturata (C. B. Adams, 1849) (unaccepted combination)
  75. Species Pleurodonte pretiosa (C. B. Adams, 1851) accepted as Lucerna bainbridgii (L. Pfeiffer, 1845) (junior homonym of Helix pretiosa Albers, 1850)
  76. Species Pleurodonte sarcocheilus (Mörch, 1850) accepted as Caracolus sarcocheilus (Mörch, 1850) (unaccepted combination)
  77. Species Pleurodonte schroeteriana (L. Pfeiffer, 1845) accepted as Dentellaria schroeteriana (L. Pfeiffer, 1845) (unaccepted combination)
  78. Species Pleurodonte semiaperta (E. von Martens, 1877) accepted as Caracolus semiapertus (E. von Martens, 1877) (unaccepted > superseded combination)
  79. Species Pleurodonte simsoni (L. Pfeiffer, 1852) accepted as Dentellaria candescens (C. B. Adams, 1850) (junior synonym)
  80. Species Pleurodonte sinuata (O. F. Müller, 1774) accepted as Dentellaria sinuata (O. F. Müller, 1774) (unaccepted combination)
  81. Species Pleurodonte sinuosa (Gmelin, 1791) accepted as Dentellaria sinuata (O. F. Müller, 1774) (junior synonym)
  82. Species Pleurodonte sloaneana (L. Pfeiffer, 1868) accepted as Dentellaria sloaneana (L. Pfeiffer, 1868) (unaccepted combination)
  83. Species Pleurodonte spengleriana (L. Pfeiffer, 1847) accepted as Lucerna bainbridgii (L. Pfeiffer, 1845) (junior synonym)
  84. Species Pleurodonte strangulata (C. B. Adams, 1849) accepted as Dentellaria strangulata (C. B. Adams, 1849) (unaccepted combination)
  85. Species Pleurodonte subacuta (L. Pfeiffer, 1867) accepted as Lucerna subacuta (L. Pfeiffer, 1867) (unaccepted combination)
  86. Species Pleurodonte sublucerna (Pilsbry, 1889) accepted as Lucerna sublucerna (Pilsbry, 1889) (unaccepted combination)
  87. Species Pleurodonte tenaculum Dall, 1909 accepted as Labyrinthus uncigerus (Petit de la Saussaye, 1838) (unaccepted > junior subjective synonym)
  88. Species Pleurodonte tridentina (A. Férussac, 1832) accepted as Dentellaria tridentina (A. Férussac, 1832) (unaccepted combination)
  89. Species Pleurodonte uncigera (Petit de la Saussaye, 1838) accepted as Labyrinthus uncigerus (Petit de la Saussaye, 1838) (unaccepted > superseded combination)
  90. Species Pleurodonte undulata (A. Férussac, 1821) accepted as Hispaniolana crispata (A. Férussac, 1821)
  91. Species Pleurodonte vacillans Vendryes, 1902 accepted as Lucerna vacillans Vendryes, 1902 (unaccepted combination)
  92. Species Pleurodonte valida (C. B. Adams, 1850) accepted as Dentellaria valida (C. B. Adams, 1850) (unaccepted combination)
  93. Subgenus Pleurodonte (Pleurodonte) Fischer von Waldheim, 1807 represented as Pleurodonte Fischer von Waldheim, 1807
    1. Species Pleurodonte (Pleurodonte) vacillans Vendryes, 1902 accepted as Lucerna vacillans Vendryes, 1902 (original combination)
    2. Species Pleurodonte (Pleurodonte) lychnuchus (O. F. Müller, 1774) represented as Pleurodonte lychnuchus (O. F. Müller, 1774)
    3. Species Pleurodonte (Pleurodonte) soror (A. Férussac, 1821) represented as Pleurodonte soror (A. Férussac, 1821)
    4. Species Pleurodonte (Pleurodonte) wilsoni B. Roth, 1984 † represented as Pleurodonte wilsoni B. Roth, 1984 †
  94. Species Pleurodonte debooyi Bartsch, 1918 † (uncertain > taxon inquirendum)
  95. Species Pleurodonte labeo Pilsbry, 1937 (uncertain > unassessed)
marine, brackish, fresh, terrestrial
Fischer von Waldheim, G. (1807). <i>Museum Demidoff, ou, Catalogue systématique et raisonné des curiosités de la nature et de l'art: données à l'Université Impériale de Moscou par son excellence Monsieur Paul de Demidoff. Tome III. Végétaux et Animaux</i>. Moscow: Imprimerie de Université Impériale de Moscou. 300 pp, 6 pls. , available online at
page(s): 229 [details] OpenAccess publication
MolluscaBase eds. (2021). MolluscaBase. Pleurodonte Fischer von Waldheim, 1807. Accessed at: on 2024-11-21
2016-02-21 21:46:36Z
2017-06-15 07:03:19Z
2020-05-29 08:07:43Z

Creative Commons License The webpage text is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License

original description Fischer von Waldheim, G. (1807). <i>Museum Demidoff, ou, Catalogue systématique et raisonné des curiosités de la nature et de l'art: données à l'Université Impériale de Moscou par son excellence Monsieur Paul de Demidoff. Tome III. Végétaux et Animaux</i>. Moscow: Imprimerie de Université Impériale de Moscou. 300 pp, 6 pls. , available online at
page(s): 229 [details] OpenAccess publication

original description (of Gonostomopsis Pilsbry, 1889) Pilsbry, H. A. (1891-1892). <i>Manual of conchology, structural and systematic, with illustrations of the species</i>. Ser. 2, Pulmonata. Vol. 7: Helicidae, vol.5. pp 1-225, pls 1-61. Philadelphia, published by the Conchological Section, Academy of Natural Sciences. [pp. 1-64, pls. 1-15, Aug. 3, 1891; pp. 65-128, pls. 16-30, Nov. 3, 1891; pp. 129-192, pls. 31-45, Jan. 30, 1892; pp. 193-225, pls. 46-61, Apr. 25, 1892]. , available online at
page(s): 92 [details] 

original description (of Caprinus Montfort, 1810) Montfort P. [Denys de]. (1808-1810). Conchyliologie systématique et classification méthodique des coquilles. <em>Paris: Schoell.</em> Vol. 1: pp. lxxxvii + 409 [1808]. Vol. 2: pp. 676 + 16 [1810 (before 28 May)]., available online at
page(s): 142-144 [details] 

original description (of Lucernella Swainson, 1840) Swainson, W. (1840). A treatise on malacology; or the natural classification of shells and shell-fish. Longman, London, viii + 419 pp., available online at [details] 

original description (of Lucerna (Lucidula) Swainson, 1840) Swainson, W. (1840). A treatise on malacology; or the natural classification of shells and shell-fish. Longman, London, viii + 419 pp., available online at
page(s): 329 [details] 

basis of record Bank, R. A. (2017). Classification of the Recent terrestrial Gastropoda of the World. Last update: July 16th, 2017. [details] OpenAccess publication


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