MolluscaBase source details

Lightfoot, J. (1786). A Catalogue of the Portland Museum, lately the property of the Dutchess Dowager of Portland, deceased; which will be sold by auction by Mr. Skinner & Co. [book]. London. viii + 194 pp.
Lightfoot, J.
A Catalogue of the Portland Museum, lately the property of the Dutchess Dowager of Portland, deceased; which will be sold by auction by Mr. Skinner & Co
London. viii + 194 pp.
Date 24 April 1786 indicated on title page, but auction did not take place until a month later (Rehder 1967). With a very few exceptions, the work lacks any description (at least in combination with a binominal name) or illustration of species, but many names were made available by indications (a detailed reference list is given on pp. v-vi). Several authorships of the Portland “catalogue”have been discussed, because no author was given on the title page or elsewhere in the catalogue. Humphrey, a famous shell dealer of his time, has been considered a possible author of the “Portland catalogue”, but Solander has been favoured for the authorship of the catalogue for a long time. His name was mentioned in the preface (p. iii) of the work. He was employed to describe and publish the species of the collection of the Duchess of Portland, but died. Nevertheless the authorship was generally attributed to Solander (also by Sherborn) at least of that names with an identifiying “S” because of a note in the list of references that " 'S.' after one or more names refers to a Manuscript Copy of Descriptions of Shells made by the late Dr. Solander, now in the possession of Sir Joseph Banks, Bart., P. R. S." But neither descriptions of Solander were presented in the catalogue nor it is clear from the content of the work that the bibliographical referneces (indications) of the “Solander species” are from Solander himself. Thus Solander cannot be regarded as the author (Art. 50.1.1) also not as “Solander in Lightfoot” (see below). Apart from this Dance (1962) and Kay (1965) pointed out discrepancies of the manuscripts and the “Solander species” of the published work: a number of species were not included in the manuscripts, the references to some species in the Catalogue differed from those in the manuscripts and so on. Malacologists have attributed the work to Reverend John Lightfoot, librarian and chaplain of the Duchess of Portland. His name was not mentioned in the work itself but Dance (1962) presented convincing evidence that he was the anonymous author of the work. That is why Lightfoot's name has been taken for the authorship of the names under Recommendation 51D (under the precondition that the whole work was regarded to have been published anonymously).
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Arca fusca [Lightfoot], 1786 (original description)
Arca labiata [Lightfoot], 1786 accepted as Cucullaea labiata ([Lightfoot], 1786) (original description)
Arca nodulosa [Lightfoot], 1786 accepted as Tegillarca granosa (Linnaeus, 1758) (original description)
Argonauta hians [Lightfoot], 1786 (original description)
Argonauta navicula [Lightfoot], 1786 accepted as Argonauta nodosa [Lightfoot], 1786 accepted as Argonauta nodosus [Lightfoot], 1786 (original description)
Argonauta nodosa [Lightfoot], 1786 accepted as Argonauta nodosus [Lightfoot], 1786 (original description)
Buccinum coronarium [Lightfoot], 1786 accepted as Struthiolaria papulosa (Martyn, 1784) (original description)
Buccinum iris [Lightfoot], 1786 accepted as Turrilatirus iris ([Lightfoot], 1786) (original description)
Buccinum maculosum [Lightfoot], 1786 accepted as Tonna pennata (Mörch, 1853) (original description)
Buccinum muricatum [Lightfoot], 1786 accepted as Colubraria muricata ([Lightfoot, 1786]) (original description)
Buccinum pustulosum [Lightfoot], 1786 accepted as Argobuccinum pustulosum ([Lightfoot], 1786) (original description)
Buccinum taurinum [Lightfoot], 1786 accepted as Terebra taurina ([Lightfoot], 1786) (original description)
Bulla ficus (Linnaeus, 1758) accepted as Ficus ficus (Linnaeus, 1758) (additional source)
Bulla imperialis Solander, 1786 accepted as Ovula costellata Lamarck, 1810 (original description)
Bulla vesicaria [Lightfoot], 1786 accepted as Hydatina vesicaria ([Lightfoot], 1786) (original description)
Bulla zonata [Lightfoot], 1786 accepted as Hydatina zonata ([Lightfoot], 1786) (original description)
Cardium hystrix [Lightfoot], 1786 accepted as Acanthocardia echinata (Linnaeus, 1758) (original description)
Cardium impressum [Lightfoot], 1786 accepted as Corculum impressum ([Lightfoot], 1786) accepted as Corculum cardissa (Linnaeus, 1758) (original description)
Cardium protrusum [Lightfoot], 1786 accepted as Cardium cardissa Linnaeus, 1758 accepted as Corculum cardissa (Linnaeus, 1758) (original description)
Cardium robustum [Lightfoot], 1786 accepted as Dinocardium robustum ([Lightfoot], 1786) (original description)
Cardium spinosum [Lightfoot], 1786 accepted as Acanthocardia spinosa ([Lightfoot], 1786) (original description)
Chama lazarus pannosus [Lightfoot], 1786 accepted as Chama lazarus Linnaeus, 1758 (original description)
Conus araneosus [Lightfoot], 1786 (original description)
Conus architalassus [Lightfoot], 1786 accepted as Conus ammiralis Linnaeus, 1758 (original description)
Conus augur [Lightfoot], 1786 (original description)
Conus leoninus [Lightfoot], 1786 accepted as Conus striatus Linnaeus, 1758 (original description)
Conus mappa [Lightfoot], 1786 (original description)
Conus nocturnus [Lightfoot], 1786 (original description)
Conus pulcher [Lightfoot], 1786 (original description)
Conus quercinus [Lightfoot], 1786 (original description)
Conus undulatus [Lightfoot], 1786 accepted as Conus textile Linnaeus, 1758 (original description)
Cypraea nebulosa [Lightfoot], 1786 accepted as Mauritia mauritiana (Linnaeus, 1758) (original description)
Cypraea pantherina [Lightfoot], 1786 (original description)
Cypraea pustulata [Lightfoot], 1786 accepted as Jenneria pustulata ([Lightfoot], 1786) (original description)
Helix erubescens Solander, 1786 accepted as Strophocheilus pudicus (O. F. Müller, 1774) (original description)
Helix otis [Lightfoot], 1786 accepted as Labyrinthus otis ([Lightfoot], 1786) (original description)
Helix ovipara Solander, 1786 accepted as Megalobulimus oblongus (O. F. Müller, 1774) (original description)
Helix undata [Lightfoot], 1786 accepted as Solaropsis undata ([Lightfoot], 1786) (original description)
Isognoma rigida [Lightfoot], 1786 (original description)
Isognomon [Lightfoot], 1786 (original description)
Murex elongatus [Lightfoot], 1786 accepted as Pterynotus elongatus ([Lightfoot], 1786) (original description)
Murex fimbriatus [Lightfoot], 1786 accepted as Trophon geversianus (Pallas, 1774) (original description)
Murex pecten [Lightfoot], 1786 (original description)
Murex plicatus [Lightfoot], 1786 accepted as Trophon plicatus ([Lightfoot], 1786) (original description)
Mya complanata [Lightfoot], 1786 accepted as Elliptio complanata ([Lightfoot], 1786) (original description)
Mya gigas [Lightfoot], 1786 accepted as Panopea glycimeris (Born, 1778) (original description)
Mytilus brunneus [Lightfoot], 1786 (original description)
Mytilus castaneus [Lightfoot], 1786 accepted as Arenifodiens vagina (Lamarck, 1819) (original description)
Mytilus durus [Lightfoot], 1786 (original description)
Nautilus scrobiculatus [Lightfoot], 1786 accepted as Allonautilus scrobiculatus ([Lightfoot], 1786) (original description)
Ostrea grandis [Lightfoot], 1786 (original description)
Ostrea purpurea [Lightfoot], 1786 accepted as Saccostrea cuccullata (Born, 1778) (original description)
Patella auricularia [Lightfoot], 1786 accepted as Dolabella auricularia ([Lightfoot], 1786) (original description)
Patella macroschisma [Lightfoot], 1786 accepted as Macroschisma macroschisma ([Lightfoot], 1786) (original description)
Patella mytiliformis [Lightfoot], 1786 accepted as Nacella mytilina (Helbling, 1779) (original description)
Patella umbraculum [Lightfoot], 1786 accepted as Umbraculum umbraculum ([Lightfoot], 1786) (original description)
Pholas hians [Lightfoot], 1786 accepted as Pholas dactylus Linnaeus, 1758 (original description)
Pholas papyraceus [Lightfoot], 1786 accepted as Pholadidea loscombiana W. Turton, 1819 (original description)
Pinna carnea [Lightfoot], 1786 (original description)
Pinna lubrica [Lightfoot], 1786 (original description)
Pinna nebulosa [Lightfoot], 1786 (original description)
Pinna nigricans [Lightfoot], 1786 (original description)
Pinna rigida [Lightfoot], 1786 accepted as Atrina rigida ([Lightfoot], 1786) (original description)
Pinna serrata [Lightfoot], 1786 accepted as Atrina serrata (G. B. Sowerby I, 1825) (original description)
Pinna tenera [Lightfoot], 1786 (original description)
Placuna [Lightfoot], 1786 (original description)
Serpula tortuosa [Lightfoot], 1786 accepted as Vermicularia tortuosa ([Lightfoot], 1786) (original description)
Solen pallidus [Lightfoot], 1786 (original description)
Solen plebeius [Lightfoot], 1786 accepted as Tagelus plebeius ([Lightfoot], 1786) (original description)
Solen rostratus [Lightfoot, 1786] accepted as Hiatula diphos (Linnaeus, 1771) (original description)
Strombus sinuatus [Lightfoot], 1786 accepted as Latissistrombus sinuatus ([Lightfoot], 1786) (original description)
Strombus tricornis [Lightfoot], 1786 accepted as Tricornis tricornis ([Lightfoot], 1786) (original description)
Strombus truncatus [Lightfoot], 1786 accepted as Lambis truncata ([Lightfoot], 1786) (original description)
Tellina cruenta [Lightfoot], 1786 accepted as Sanguinolaria cruenta ([Lightfoot], 1786) accepted as Psammotella cruenta ([Lightfoot], 1786) (original description)
Tellina interrupta [Lightfoot], 1786 accepted as Tellinella listeri (Röding, 1798) (original description)
Tellina marginalis [Lightfoot], 1786 accepted as Laciolina laevigata (Linnaeus, 1758) (original description)
Trochus annulatus [Lightfoot], 1786 accepted as Calliostoma annulatum ([Lightfoot], 1786) (original description)
Trochus canaliculatus [Lightfoot], 1786 accepted as Calliostoma canaliculatum ([Lightfoot], 1786) (original description)
Trochus onustus [Lightfoot], 1786 accepted as Xenophora conchyliophora (Born, 1780) (original description)
Trochus sulcatus [Lightfoot], 1786 accepted as Cookia sulcata ([Lightfoot], 1786) (original description)
Trochus tectus [Lightfoot], 1786 accepted as Lithopoma tectum ([Lightfoot], 1786) (original description)
Turbo cornutus [Lightfoot], 1786 (original description)
Turbo pulcher [Lightfoot], 1786 accepted as Phasianella australis (Gmelin, 1791) (original description)
Turbo undulatus [Lightfoot], 1786 accepted as Lunella undulata ([Lightfoot], 1786) (original description)
Venus erosa [Lightfoot], 1786 (original description)
Venus nimbosa [Lightfoot], 1786 accepted as Macrocallista nimbosa ([Lightfoot], 1786) (original description)
Voluta amphora [Lightfoot, 1786] accepted as Melo amphora ([Lightfoot, 1786]) (original description)
Voluta ancilla [Lightfoot], 1786 accepted as Adelomelon ancilla ([Lightfoot], 1786) (original description)
Voluta angulata [Lightfoot, 1786] accepted as Turbinella angulata ([Lightfoot, 1786]) (original description)
Voluta anguria [Lightfoot], 1786 accepted as Melo melo ([Lightfoot], 1786) (original description)
Voluta arausiaca [Lightfoot], 1786 accepted as Harpulina arausiaca ([Lightfoot], 1786) (original description)
Voluta cithara [Lightfoot], 1786 accepted as Melo amphora ([Lightfoot, 1786]) (original description)
Voluta elongata [Lightfoot], 1786 accepted as Placostylus fibratus fibratus (Martyn, 1784) (original description)
Voluta haustrum [Lightfoot], 1786 accepted as Melo amphora ([Lightfoot, 1786]) (original description)
Voluta imperialis [Lightfoot], 1786 accepted as Cymbiola imperialis ([Lightfoot], 1786) (original description)
Voluta incompta [Lightfoot], 1786 accepted as Nebularia incompta ([Lightfoot], 1786) (original description)
Voluta incrassata [Lightfoot], 1786 accepted as Oliva incrassata ([Lightfoot], 1786) (original description)
Voluta melo [Lightfoot], 1786 accepted as Melo melo ([Lightfoot], 1786) (original description)
Voluta nobilis [Lightfoot], 1786 accepted as Cymbiola nobilis ([Lightfoot], 1786) (original description)
Voluta pepo [Lightfoot], 1786 accepted as Cymbium pepo ([Lightfoot], 1786) (original description)

See "Detais" under Lightfoot reference. [details]


ancilla is a noun in apposition and does not agree in gender with the genus name it is combined with. [details]

 Type locality

‘Mediterranean’ (Lightfoot, 1786: 105) [details]

 Type locality

‘China’ (Lightfoot, 1786: 155). Type figure: Born (1780: pl. 2, figs. 15-16). [details]

 Type locality

‘Florida’ (Lightfoot, 1786: 58). Type figure: Born (1780: pl. 3 fig. 5). ‘The figure in Lister (1687: pl. 328 ... [details]

 Type locality

‘Indiae Orientalis’ (East Indies), ‘dans l’océan Asiatique, principalement sur les rivages des îles de ... [details]

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