MolluscaBase source details

Roemer, F. A. (1835-1836). Die Versteinerungen des Norddeutschen Oolithen-Gebirges. Hahn, Hannover, 218 pp. + 16 pls. [pp. i-vi + 1-74, pl. 1-12 (1835), pp. 75-218, pl. 13-16 (1836)].
10.5962/bhl.title.118663 [view]
Roemer, F. A.
Die Versteinerungen des Norddeutschen Oolithen-Gebirges
Hahn, Hannover, 218 pp. + 16 pls. [pp. i-vi + 1-74, pl. 1-12 (1835), pp. 75-218, pl. 13-16 (1836)]
dates of publication after W. Quenstedt (1963)
RIS (EndNote, Reference Manager, ProCite, RefWorks)
BibTex (BibDesk, LaTeX)
2018-06-20 14:33:42Z
2021-01-01 10:01:55Z
2021-06-17 06:14:28Z
2023-01-04 06:47:25Z
2024-01-20 05:34:32Z

Avicula spondyloides F. A. Roemer, 1836 † accepted as Eopecten spondyloides (F. A. Roemer, 1836) † (original description)
Buccinum cassidiforme F. Roemer, 1836 † (original description)
Buccinum fusiforme F. Roemer, 1836 † (original description)
Buccinum laeve F. Roemer, 1836 † (original description)
Buccinum parvulum F. A. Roemer, 1836 † accepted as Ceritellopsis parvula (F. A. Roemer, 1836) † (original description)
Buccinum subcarinatum F. Roemer, 1836 † (original description)
Buccinum sublineatum F. A. Roemer, 1836 † accepted as Cloughtonia sublineata (F. A. Roemer, 1836) † (original description)
Bulla hildesiensis F. Roemer, 1836 † (original description)
Bulla spirata F. Roemer, 1836 † (original description)
Bulla subquadrata F. Roemer, 1836 † (original description)
Bulla suprajurensis F. Roemer, 1836 † (original description)
Cerithium septemplicatum F. A. Roemer, 1836 † accepted as Exelissa septemplicata (F. A. Roemer, 1836) † (original description)
Cyrena angulata F. A. Roemer, 1836 † accepted as Myrene angulata (F. A. Roemer, 1836) † (original description)
Cyrena caudata F. A. Roemer, 1836 † accepted as Neomiodon latoovatus caudatus (F. A. Roemer, 1836) † (original description)
Cyrena elongata F. A. Roemer, 1836 † (original description)
Cyrena excavata F. A. Roemer, 1836 † accepted as Neomiodon latoovatus caudatus (F. A. Roemer, 1836) † (original description)
Cyrena fasciata F. A. Roemer, 1836 † accepted as Neomiodon fasciatus (F. A. Roemer, 1836) † (original description)
Cyrena latoovata F. A. Roemer, 1836 † accepted as Neomiodon latoovatus (F. A. Roemer, 1836) † (original description)
Cyrena mactroides F. A. Roemer, 1836 † accepted as Neomiodon mactroides (F. A. Roemer, 1836) † (original description)
Cyrena majuscula F. A. Roemer, 1836 † (original description)
Cyrena nuculaeformis F. A. Roemer, 1836 † accepted as Neomiodon nuculaeformis (F. A. Roemer, 1836) † (original description)
Cyrena obtusa F. A. Roemer, 1836 † accepted as Neomiodon orbicularis (F. A. Roemer, 1836) † (original description)
Cyrena orbicularis F. A. Roemer, 1836 † accepted as Neomiodon orbicularis (F. A. Roemer, 1836) † (original description)
Cyrena parvirostris F. A. Roemer, 1836 † (original description)
Cyrena sublaevis F. A. Roemer, 1836 † accepted as Neomiodon sublaevis (F. A. Roemer, 1836) † (original description)
Cyrena trigona F. A. Roemer, 1836 † accepted as Neomiodon mactroides (F. A. Roemer, 1836) † (original description)
Emarginula goldfussii F. Roemer, 1836 † accepted as Rimulopsis goldfussii (F. Roemer, 1836) † (original description)
Exogyra carinata Roemer, 1835 † (original description)
Exogyra denticulata Roemer, 1835 † (original description)
Exogyra pulchella Roemer, 1835 † (original description)
Fusus carinatus F. A. Roemer, 1836 † accepted as Pseudofusus rostratus (Olivi, 1792) (original description)
Fusus curvicauda F. A. Roemer, 1836 † (original description)
Fusus minutus F. A. Roemer, 1836 † (original description)
Gryphaea controversa Roemer, 1835 † (original description)
Helix pisum F. A. Roemer, 1836 † accepted as Turbo pisum (F. A. Roemer, 1836) † (original description)
Helix pusilla F. A. Roemer, 1836 † accepted as Helicocryptus pusillus (F. A. Roemer, 1836) † (original description)
Isocardia excentrica F. A. Roemer, 1836 † accepted as Ceratomya excentrica (F. A. Roemer, 1836) † (original description)
Lima elongata F. Roemer, 1836 † accepted as Acesta longa (F. Roemer, 1841) † (original description)
Littorina concinna Roemer, 1836 † accepted as Lissochilus concinnus (Roemer, 1836) † (original description)
Melania abbreviata F. A. Roemer, 1836 † accepted as Cloughtonia abbreviata (F. A. Roemer, 1836) † (original description)
Melania bronnii F. A. Roemer, 1836 † accepted as Pseudomelania bronnii (F. A. Roemer, 1836) † (original description)
Modiola ventricosa F. A. Roemer, 1836 † accepted as Modiolus ventricosus F. A. Roemer, 1836 † (original description)
Mya rugosa F. A. Roemer, 1836 † accepted as Mactromya concentrica (Münster, 1841) † (original description)
Natica subnodosa F. A. Roemer, 1836 † accepted as Leviathania subnodosa (F. A. Roemer, 1836) † (original description)
Nerinea allica A. d'Orbigny, 1850 † accepted as Nerinella allica (A. d'Orbigny, 1850) † (additional source)
Nerinea constricta F. Roemer, 1836 † (original description)
Nerinea gosae F. Roemer, 1836 † (original description)
Nerinea tuberculosa F. Roemer, 1836 † (original description)
Nerinea visurgis F. Roemer, 1836 † (original description)
Nerita pulla F. A. Roemer, 1836 † accepted as Neridomus pulla (F. A. Roemer, 1836) † (original description)
Nucula aequilateralis Roemer, 1836 † accepted as Rollieria aequilateralis (Roemer, 1836) † (original description)
Ostrea excavata Roemer, 1835 † (original description)
Ostrea exogyroides Roemer, 1835 † (original description)
Ostrea lingua Roemer, 1835 † (original description)
Ostrea orbiculoides Roemer, 1835 † (original description)
Ostrea scapha Roemer, 1835 † (original description)
Ostrea semicircularis Roemer, 1835 † (original description)
Ostrea spinosa Roemer, 1835 † (original description)
Paludina carbonaria F. A. Roemer, 1836 † accepted as Viviparus cariniferus (J. De C. Sowerby, 1826) † (original description)
Paludina nitida F. A. Roemer, 1836 † accepted as Viviparus cariniferus (J. De C. Sowerby, 1826) † (original description)
Pecten acuticosta F. A. Roemer, 1836 † accepted as Pseudopecten equivalvis (J. Sowerby, 1816) † (original description)
Pecten clathratus F. A. Roemer, 1836 † accepted as Camptochlamys clathrata (F. A. Roemer, 1836) † (original description)
Pecten octocostatus F. A. Roemer, 1836 † accepted as Radulopecten inequicostatus (G. Young & Bird, 1822) † (original description)
Pecten septemcostatus F. A. Roemer, 1836 † accepted as Radulopecten inequicostatus (G. Young & Bird, 1822) † (original description)
Pecten solidus F. A. Roemer, 1836 † accepted as Entolium corneolum (G. Young & J. Bird, 1828) † (original description)
Pecten subcomatus F. A. Roemer, 1836 † accepted as Entolium corneolum (G. Young & J. Bird, 1828) † (original description)
Pecten subimbricatus F. A. Roemer, 1836 † accepted as Chlamys textoria (Schlotheim, 1820) † (original description)
Pecten sublaevis F. A. Roemer, 1836 † accepted as Camptochlamys obscura (J. Sowerby, 1818) † (original description)
Pecten substriatus F. A. Roemer, 1835 † accepted as Camptonectes subulatus (Münster, 1835) † (original description)
Pecten varians F. A. Roemer, 1836 † accepted as Radulopecten varians (F. A. Roemer, 1836) † (original description)
Pecten vitreus F. A. Roemer, 1836 † accepted as Entolium corneolum (G. Young & J. Bird, 1828) † (original description)
Posidonia buchii Roemer, 1836 † accepted as Bositra buchii (Roemer, 1836) † (original description)
Trigonia hybrida F. A. Roemer, 1836 † (original description)
Trigonia sexcostata F. A. Roemer, 1836 † (original description)
Trochus discoideus F. Roemer, 1836 † accepted as Trochotoma discoidea (F. Roemer, 1836) † (original description)
Turritella quadrilineata F. A. Roemer, 1836 † accepted as Procerithium quadrilineatum (F. A. Roemer, 1836) † (original description)
Unio convexus F. A. Roemer, 1836 † (original description)
Unio planus F. A. Roemer, 1836 † (original description)
Unio subporrectus F. A. Roemer, 1836 † (original description)
Unio trigonus F. A. Roemer, 1836 † accepted as Cardinia listeri (J. Sowerby, 1817) † (original description)
Venus brongniarti F. A. Roemer, 1836 † accepted as Eocallista caudata (Goldfuss, 1841) † (original description)
France for Isocardia excentrica F. A. Roemer, 1836 † 
France for Venus brongniarti F. A. Roemer, 1836 † 
Germany for Avicula spondyloides F. A. Roemer, 1836 † 
Germany for Buccinum cassidiforme F. Roemer, 1836 † 
Germany for Buccinum fusiforme F. Roemer, 1836 † 
Germany for Buccinum laeve F. Roemer, 1836 † 
Germany for Buccinum parvulum F. A. Roemer, 1836 † 
Germany for Buccinum subcarinatum F. Roemer, 1836 † 
Germany for Buccinum sublineatum F. A. Roemer, 1836 † 
Germany for Bulla hildesiensis F. Roemer, 1836 † 
Germany for Bulla spirata F. Roemer, 1836 † 
Germany for Bulla subquadrata F. Roemer, 1836 † 
Germany for Bulla suprajurensis F. Roemer, 1836 † 
Germany for Cerithium septemplicatum F. A. Roemer, 1836 † 
Germany for Cyrena angulata F. A. Roemer, 1836 † 
Germany for Cyrena caudata F. A. Roemer, 1836 † 
Germany for Cyrena elongata F. A. Roemer, 1836 † 
Germany for Cyrena excavata F. A. Roemer, 1836 † 
Germany for Cyrena fasciata F. A. Roemer, 1836 † 
Germany for Cyrena latoovata F. A. Roemer, 1836 † 
Germany for Cyrena mactroides F. A. Roemer, 1836 † 
Germany for Cyrena majuscula F. A. Roemer, 1836 † 
Germany for Cyrena nuculaeformis F. A. Roemer, 1836 † 
Germany for Cyrena obtusa F. A. Roemer, 1836 † 
Germany for Cyrena orbicularis F. A. Roemer, 1836 † 
Germany for Cyrena parvirostris F. A. Roemer, 1836 † 
Germany for Cyrena sublaevis F. A. Roemer, 1836 † 
Germany for Cyrena trigona F. A. Roemer, 1836 † 
Germany for Emarginula goldfussii F. Roemer, 1836 † 
Germany for Exogyra carinata Roemer, 1835 † 
Germany for Exogyra pulchella Roemer, 1835 † 
Germany for Fusus carinatus F. A. Roemer, 1836 † 
Germany for Fusus curvicauda F. A. Roemer, 1836 † 
Germany for Fusus minutus F. A. Roemer, 1836 † 
Germany for Gryphaea controversa Roemer, 1835 † 
Germany for Helix pisum F. A. Roemer, 1836 † 
Germany for Helix pusilla F. A. Roemer, 1836 † 
Germany for Isocardia excentrica F. A. Roemer, 1836 † 
Germany for Lima elongata F. Roemer, 1836 † 
Germany for Melania abbreviata F. A. Roemer, 1836 † 
Germany for Melania bronnii F. A. Roemer, 1836 † 
Germany for Modiola ventricosa F. A. Roemer, 1836 † 
Germany for Mya rugosa F. A. Roemer, 1836 † 
Germany for Natica subnodosa F. A. Roemer, 1836 † 
Germany for Nerinea constricta F. Roemer, 1836 † 
Germany for Nerinea gosae F. Roemer, 1836 † 
Germany for Nerinea tuberculosa F. Roemer, 1836 † 
Germany for Nerinea visurgis F. Roemer, 1836 † 
Germany for Nerita pulla F. A. Roemer, 1836 † 
Germany for Ostrea exogyroides Roemer, 1835 † 
Germany for Ostrea orbiculoides Roemer, 1835 † 
Germany for Ostrea scapha Roemer, 1835 † 
Germany for Ostrea semicircularis Roemer, 1835 † 
Germany for Paludina carbonaria F. A. Roemer, 1836 † 
Germany for Paludina nitida F. A. Roemer, 1836 † 
Germany for Pecten acuticosta F. A. Roemer, 1836 † 
Germany for Pecten clathratus F. A. Roemer, 1836 † 
Germany for Pecten octocostatus F. A. Roemer, 1836 † 
Germany for Pecten subcomatus F. A. Roemer, 1836 † 
Germany for Pecten sublaevis F. A. Roemer, 1836 † 
Germany for Turritella quadrilineata F. A. Roemer, 1836 † 
Germany for Unio convexus F. A. Roemer, 1836 † 
Germany for Unio planus F. A. Roemer, 1836 † 
Germany for Unio subporrectus F. A. Roemer, 1836 † 
Germany for Unio trigonus F. A. Roemer, 1836 † 


Authorship attributed to Voltz [details]

 Type locality

Hoheneggelsen, Lower Saxony, Germany; Korallenoolith Formation, Oxfordian, late Jurassic [details]

 Type locality

Hannover (Lindener Berg) ("Am Lindner Berge bei Hannover"), Lower Saxony, Germany; early Kimmeridgian, late Jurassic [details]

 Type locality

Hannover (Lindener Berg) ("Am Lindner Berge bei Hannover"), Lower Saxony, Germany; early Kimmeridgian, late Jurassic [details]

 Type locality

"Ohsede" [= Oesede S Osnabrück] (Lower Saxony, Germany) [details]

 Type locality

Obernkirchen, Lower Saxony, Germany [details]

 Type locality

"Ohsede" [= Oesede S Osnabrück] (Lower Saxony, Germany) [details]

 Type locality

Obernkirchen, Lower Saxony, Germany [details]

 Type locality

"Deister [= hill SW of Hannover], z.B. von Bredenbeck und Stemmen" (Lower Saxony, Germany) [details]

 Type locality

Obernkirchen, Lower Saxony, Germany [details]

 Type locality

"Am Deister [hill SW of Hannover] und bei Neustadt am Rübenberge" (Lower Saxony, Germany) [details]

 Type locality

"Bei Neustadt am Rübenberge und bei Rehburg" (Lower Saxony, Germany) [details]

 Type locality

Deister (hill SW of Hannover, Lower Saxony, Germany) [details]

 Type locality

"mit der vorhergehenden [Ohsede unweit Osnabrück] und bei Neustadt am Rübenberge" [= Oesede S Osnabrück and ... [details]

 Type locality

Deister (hill SW of Hannover, Lower Saxony, Germany) [details]

 Type locality

"Ohsede unweit Osnabrück" [= Oesede S Osnabrück] (Lower Saxony, Germany) [details]

 Type locality

Neustadt am Rübenberge, Lower Saxony, Germany [details]

 Type locality

"Ohsede unfern Osnabrück" [= Oesede S Osnabrück] (Lower Saxony, Germany) [details]

 Type locality

Hoheneggelsen, Lower Saxony, Germany [details]

 Type locality

Hoheneggelsen, Lower Saxony, Germany [details]

 Type locality

"bei Wendhausen, Goslar, am Kahífenberge, Spielberge und Waltersberge" (Lower Saxony, Germany) [details]

 Type locality

Wendhausen (near Hannover), Lower Saxony, Germany [details]

 Type locality

Hoheneggelsen, Lower Saxony, Germany; Korallenoolith Formation, Oxfordian, late Jurassic [details]

 Type locality

"am Süntel und Deister, z. B. bei Obernkirchen und Bredenbeck, so wie bei Neustadt am Rübenberge" (Lower Saxony, ... [details]

 Type locality

"bei Rehburg und Lockum" (Lower Saxony, Germany) [details]

 Type locality

"in den Posidonienschiefern bei den Zwerglöchern und bei Marienburg unfern Hildesheim" [in the Posidonia slate at ... [details]

 Type locality

Borgloh ["Borglohe"], Lower Saxony, Germany [details]

 Type locality

Borgloh ["Borglohe"], Lower Saxony, Germany [details]

 Type locality

Borgloh ["Borglohe"] and Rehburg, Lower Saxony, Germany [details]

 Type locality

"bei Exten unfern Rinteln" (Lower Saxony, Germany) [details]

 Type locality

"Depart. de la Haute Saône, Havre", France [details]

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