MolluscaBase Taxon list
Search for '' returned 102 matching records, showing records 1-100.
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- Africotriton adelphum Bouchet & Petit, 2002
- Africotriton carinapex Beu & P. A. Maxwell, 1987
- Africotriton crebriliratus (G. B. Sowerby III, 1903)
- Africotriton fictilis (Hinds, 1844)
- Africotriton kilburni Beu & P. A. Maxwell, 1987
- Africotriton multinodulatus Beu & P. A. Maxwell, 1987
- Africotriton petiti Beu & P. A. Maxwell, 1987
- Beuella pisanelloides (Cossmann, 1923) †
- Colubratriton deshayesianus (Beu & P. A. Maxwell, 1987) †
- Colubratriton garini Pacaud, Ledon & Loubry, 2015 †
- Colubratriton merlei Pacaud, Ledon & Loubry, 2015 †
- Fusimorio aturensis (Peyrot, 1926) †
- Fusimorio carcarensis (Michelotti, 1847) †
- Fusimorio carcarensis var. cingulatior Sacco, 1897 † accepted as Fusimorio carcarensis (Michelotti, 1847) †
- Fusimorio carcarensis var. simplicior Sacco, 1897 † accepted as Fusimorio carcarensis (Michelotti, 1847) †
- Fusimorio deshayesii (Duval, 1841)
- Fusimorio limpusi (Beu & Verhecken, 2000)
- Fusimorio minbuensis (Noetling, 1895) †
- Fusimorio quilonicus (Dey, 1962) †
- Fusimorio rosadoi (Beu & Verhecken, 2000)
- Fusimorio salbriacensis Lozouet, 2019 †
- Fusimorio taurinensis (Bellardi, 1873) †
- Fusimorio thorei (Grateloup, 1845) †
- Fusimorio variciferus (Tate, 1888) †
- Kapuatriton kaitarus Beu & P. A. Maxwell, 1987 †
- Loxotaphrus abnormis (Bayan, 1870) † accepted as Fusimorio carcarensis (Michelotti, 1847) †
- Loxotaphrus aturensis (Peyrot, 1926) † accepted as Fusimorio thorei (Grateloup, 1845) †
- Loxotaphrus deshayesii (Duval, 1841) accepted as Fusimorio deshayesii (Duval, 1841)
- Loxotaphrus limpusi Beu & Verhecken, 2000 accepted as Fusimorio limpusi (Beu & Verhecken, 2000)
- Loxotaphrus minbuensis (Noetling, 1895) † accepted as Fusimorio minbuensis (Noetling, 1895) †
- Loxotaphrus rosadoi Beu & Verhecken, 2000 accepted as Fusimorio rosadoi (Beu & Verhecken, 2000)
- Loxotaphrus subtaurinensis (Vergneau, 1965) †
- Loxotaphrus taurinensis (Bellardi, 1873) † accepted as Fusimorio taurinensis (Bellardi, 1873) †
- Loxotaphrus thorei (Grateloup, 1845) † accepted as Fusimorio thorei (Grateloup, 1845) †
- Loxotaphrus variciferus (Tate, 1888) † accepted as Fusimorio variciferus (Tate, 1888) †
- Nivitriton fictilis (Hinds, 1844) accepted as Africotriton fictilis (Hinds, 1844)
- Plesiotriton angustus (Watelet, 1851) †
- Plesiotriton aucoini Lesport, Cluzaud & Verhecken, 2015 †
- Plesiotriton cailloelensis Pacaud, Ledon & Loubry, 2015 †
- Plesiotriton calciatus Pacaud, Ledon & Loubry, 2015 †
- Plesiotriton camiadeorum Lesport, Cluzaud & Verhecken, 2015 †
- Plesiotriton cedri (J. A. Gardner, 1935) †
- Plesiotriton clandestinus Pacaud, Ledon & Loubry, 2015 †
- Plesiotriton cretaceus Sohl, 1960 †
- Plesiotriton dennanti Tate, 1898 † accepted as Semitriton dennanti (Tate, 1898) †
- Plesiotriton deshayesianus Beu & P. A. Maxwell, 1987 † accepted as Colubratriton deshayesianus (Beu & P. A. Maxwell, 1987) †
- Plesiotriton evanesco Pacaud, Ledon & Loubry, 2015 †
- Plesiotriton ganensis Lesport, Cluzaud & Verhecken, 2015 †
- Plesiotriton hillegondae (K. Martin, 1914) †
- Plesiotriton imbricatus (Dareste de la Chavanne, 1910) †
- Plesiotriton jacquesponsi Pacaud, Ledon & Loubry, 2015 †
- Plesiotriton latus (Dareste de la Chavanne, 1910) †
- Plesiotriton mirabilis Beu & P. A. Maxwell, 1987
- Plesiotriton silinoensis Verhecken, 2011
- Plesiotriton steni Schnetler & Petit, 2006 †
- Plesiotriton teuleraensis Lesport, Cluzaud & Verhecken, 2015 †
- Plesiotriton vivus Habe & Okutani, 1981
- Plesiotriton vokesae (J. A. Allen, 1970) †
- Plesiotriton volutella (Lamarck, 1803) †
- Tritonoharpa alanbeui Landau, Harzhauser, İslamoğlu & C. M. Silva, 2013 †
- Tritonoharpa angasi (Brazier, 1877)
- Tritonoharpa ansonae Beu & P. A. Maxwell, 1987
- Tritonoharpa antiquata (Hinds, 1844)
- Tritonoharpa aquitaniensis Lesport, Cluzaud & Verhecken, 2015 †
- Tritonoharpa basilaevis Beu & P. A. Maxwell, 1987
- Tritonoharpa bayeri (Petuch, 1987)
- Tritonoharpa beui Verhecken, 1997
- Tritonoharpa boucheti Beu & P. A. Maxwell, 1987
- Tritonoharpa brunnea Beu & P. A. Maxwell, 1987
- Tritonoharpa caunbonensis Pacaud, Ledon & Loubry, 2015 †
- Tritonoharpa coxi (Brazier, 1872)
- Tritonoharpa cubapatriae (Sarasúa, 1975)
- Tritonoharpa curvapex L. Souza, R. S. Gomes & P. M. Costa, 2020
- Tritonoharpa floridensis (H. I. Tucker & D. Wilson, 1932) †
- Tritonoharpa indoceana Beu & P. A. Maxwell, 1987
- Tritonoharpa janowskyi Petuch & Sargent, 2011
- Tritonoharpa lanceolata (Menke, 1828)
- Tritonoharpa leali Harasewych, Petit & Verhecken, 1992
- Tritonoharpa mariechristinae Lesport, Cluzaud & Verhecken, 2015 †
- Tritonoharpa nodulata (Tate, 1888) †
- Tritonoharpa ponderi Beu & P. A. Maxwell, 1987
- Tritonoharpa praetexta (Bellardi, 1873) †
- Tritonoharpa pseudangasi Beu & P. A. Maxwell, 1987
- Tritonoharpa renardi Lesport, Cluzaud & Verhecken, 2015 †
- Tritonoharpa siphonata (Reeve, 1844)
- Tritonoharpa speciosa (Bellardi, 1873) † (accepted > unreplaced junior homonym)
- Tritonoharpa vexillata Dall, 1908
- Tritonoharpa westralia Beu & P. A. Maxwell, 1987
- Turehua crassispiralis Beu & P. A. Maxwell, 1987 †
- Turehua doboi (Noszky, 1936) †
- Turehua dubia (P. Marshall, 1919) †
- Turehua dunkeri (Holzapfel, 1888) †
- Turehua laekeniana (G. Vincent, 1872) †
- Turehua lividorupis Beu & P. A. Maxwell, 1987 †
- Turehua plexa (Wolff, 1897) †
- Turehua ponscuspidis Beu & P. A. Maxwell, 1987 †
- Turehua pyruliformis (Nyst, 1845) †
- Turehua strombecki (Speyer, 1864) †
- Turehua subgranulata (Schlotheim, 1820) †
- Turehua tenuispiralis Beu & P. A. Maxwell, 1987 †