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Spencer H.G., Willan R.C., Marshall B.A. & Murray T.J. (2011). Checklist of the Recent Mollusca Recorded from the New Zealand Exclusive Economic Zone.
Spencer H.G., Willan R.C., Marshall B.A. & Murray T.J
Checklist of the Recent Mollusca Recorded from the New Zealand Exclusive Economic Zone
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2013-01-12 18:30:12Z

Acanthodoris globosa Abraham, 1877 (basis of record)
Acanthodoris mollicella Abraham, 1877 (basis of record)
Acharax clarificata Dell, 1995 (basis of record)
Aclesia glauca Cheeseman, 1878 accepted as Bursatella leachii Blainville, 1817 (source of synonymy)
Adelphotectonica nomotoi (Kosuge, 1979) (basis of record)
Adelphotectonica reevei (Hanley, 1862) (additional source)
Admete bruuni Knudsen, 1964 (additional source)
Aeneator benthicolus Dell, 1963 (basis of record)
Aeneator elegans (Suter, 1917) (basis of record)
Aeneator valedicta [sic] accepted as Aeneator valedictus (R. B. Watson, 1886) (basis of record)
Aforia lepta (R. B. Watson, 1881) accepted as Aforia watsoni Kantor, Harasewych & Puillandre, 2016 (basis of record)
Agatha A. Adams, 1860 (basis of record)
Agatha georgiana (F. W. Hutton, 1885) (basis of record)
Agatha virgo A. Adams, 1860 (additional source)
Aglaja lineolata H. Adams & A. Adams, 1854 accepted as Tubulophilinopsis lineolata (H. Adams & A. Adams, 1854) (basis of record)
Agnomyax R. B. Stewart, 1930 (basis of record)
Agnomyax nana (A. W. B. Powell, 1958) accepted as Coanyax flabellum (Viader, 1951) (basis of record)
Alloiodoris lanuginata (Abraham, 1877) (basis of record)
Anisodonta alata alata (A. W. B. Powell, 1952) (basis of record)
Anisodonta alata trigonia (A. W. B. Powell, 1952) (basis of record)
Anticomitas vivens A. W. B. Powell, 1942 (basis of record)
Antimelatoma ahiparana A. W. B. Powell, 1942 accepted as Antimelatoma buchanani (F. W. Hutton, 1873) (source of synonymy)
Antimelatoma benthicola A. W. B. Powell, 1942 accepted as Antimelatoma buchanani (F. W. Hutton, 1873) (source of synonymy)
Antimelatoma buchanani (F. W. Hutton, 1873) (basis of record)
Aoteadrillia bulbacea (R. B. Watson, 1881) (basis of record)
Aoteadrillia chordata (Suter, 1908) accepted as Aoteadrillia wanganuiensis (F. W. Hutton, 1873) (source of synonymy)
Aoteadrillia finlayi A. W. B. Powell, 1942 (additional source)
Aoteadrillia otagoensis A. W. B. Powell, 1942 (basis of record)
Aoteadrillia wanganuiensis (F. W. Hutton, 1873) (additional source)
Apaturris expeditionis (W. R. B. Oliver, 1915) (basis of record)
Aphelodoris luctuosa (Cheeseman, 1882) (basis of record)
Aplysia extraordinaria (J. K. Allan, 1932) (additional source)
Aplysia sagamiana Baba, 1949 (additional source)
Arthritica bifurca (W. H. Webster, 1908) (basis of record)
Arthritica crassiformis A. W. B. Powell, 1933 (basis of record)
Arthritica hulmei Ponder, 1965 (basis of record)
Atagema carinata (Quoy & Gaimard, 1832) (basis of record)
Atagema molesta (M. C. Miller, 1989) (basis of record)
Austrochlamys natans walosseki Jonkers, 2003 (additional source)
Austrodrillia rawitensis Hedley, 1922 (basis of record)
Austromitra planata (F. W. Hutton, 1885) (basis of record)
Awateria Suter, 1917 (basis of record)
Awateria optabilis (Murdoch & Suter, 1906) (basis of record)
Axymene aucklandicus (E. A. Smith, 1902) (basis of record)
Babakina caprinsulensis (M. C. Miller, 1974) (basis of record)
Bankia neztalia R. D. Turner & McKoy, 1979 (basis of record)
Bathyaustriella thionipta Glover, J. D. Taylor & Rowden, 2004 (additional source)
Bathyberthella zelandiae Willan, 1983 (basis of record)
Bathyspinula tasmanica (Knudsen, 1970) (basis of record)
Bathytoma murdochi H. J. Finlay, 1930 (basis of record)
Benhamina obliquata (G. B. Sowerby I, 1825) accepted as Siphonaria obliquata G. B. Sowerby I, 1825 (basis of record)
Benthocardiella obliquata bountyensis A. W. B. Powell, 1933 (additional source)
Benthocardiella obliquata chathamensis A. W. B. Powell, 1933 (basis of record)
Benthocardiella obliquata obliquata A. W. B. Powell, 1930 (basis of record)
Berthella medietas Burn, 1962 (additional source)
Berthella ornata (Cheeseman, 1878) (basis of record)
Besla insularis (W. R. B. Oliver, 1915) (basis of record)
Besla rossiana Laws, 1941 (basis of record)
Besla subrugata (A. W. B. Powell, 1927) (basis of record)
Besla vaga Laws, 1941 (basis of record)
Besla waitangiensis Laws, 1941 (basis of record)
Bonellitia superstes H. J. Finlay, 1930 accepted as Admetula superstes (H. J. Finlay, 1930) (additional source)
Borniola bidentifera (A. W. B. Powell, 1933) (basis of record)
Borniola decapitata (A. W. B. Powell, 1939) (basis of record)
Borniola neozelanica A. W. B. Powell, 1937 (basis of record)
Borniola powelli Crozier, 1966 (basis of record)
Borniola profunda (Dell, 1952) (basis of record)
Borniola quadrata (Dell, 1956) (basis of record)
Borniola taieriensis (A. W. B. Powell, 1939) (basis of record)
Brocchinia septentrionalis (H. J. Finlay, 1930) (basis of record)
Brookesena H. J. Finlay, 1926 (additional source)
Brookesena neozelanica (Suter, 1908) (basis of record)
Brookesena succincta (Suter, 1908) (basis of record)
Buccinulum pallidum pallidum H. J. Finlay, 1928 (basis of record)
Bulla angasi Pilsbry, 1895 accepted as Bulla vernicosa A. Gould, 1859 (additional source)
Callistoctopus kermadecensis (S. S. Berry, 1914) accepted as Pinnoctopus kermadecensis (S. S. Berry, 1914) (additional source)
Catillopecten murrayi (E. A. Smith, 1885) (basis of record)
Chama plinthota L. R. Cox, 1927 accepted as Chama croceata Lamarck, 1819 (additional source)
Chelidonura hirundinina (Quoy & Gaimard, 1833) (additional source)
Ciclopecten fluctuatus (Bavay, 1905) (basis of record)
Cominella mirabilis canturiensis (Dell, 1951) (basis of record)
Cominella mirabilis mirabilis A. W. B. Powell, 1929 (basis of record)
Cominella mirabilis powelli (C. A. Fleming, 1948) (basis of record)
Cominella nassoides haroldi A. W. B. Powell, 1946 (basis of record)
Cominella nassoides otakauica A. W. B. Powell, 1946 (basis of record)
Cominella tolagaensis Ponder, 1968 (basis of record)
Comitas onokeana vivens Dell, 1956 (basis of record)
Comitas trailli (F. W. Hutton, 1873) (basis of record)
Conjectura glabella (Murdoch, 1905) (basis of record)
Crassatina bellula (A. Adams, 1854) accepted as Talabrica bellula (A. Adams, 1854) (basis of record)
Crassatina iredalei (A. W. B. Powell, 1958) accepted as Salaputium iredalei A. W. B. Powell, 1958 (basis of record)
Crimora multidigitalis (Burn, 1957) (basis of record)
Cylichna bulloidea Dell, 1956 (additional source)
Cylichna thetidis Hedley, 1903 (additional source)
Cylichna zealandica T. W. Kirk, 1880 (basis of record)
Cylichnina opima H. J. Finlay, 1926 accepted as Retusa opima (H. J. Finlay, 1926) (basis of record)
Cylichnina striata (F. W. Hutton, 1873) accepted as Retusa striata (F. W. Hutton, 1873) (basis of record)
Cystiscus vidae (Dell, 1956) (basis of record)
Daphnella cancellata F. W. Hutton, 1878 (basis of record)
Dendrodoris citrina (Cheeseman, 1881) (basis of record)

Unnecessary replacement name for Solidula affinis A. Adams, 1855, treated by Cossmann as a junior homonym of ... [details]


Invalid: junior homonym of Parthenia Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830 [Diptera]; Parthenina and Euparthenia are replacement ... [details]


Preoccupied by Turbonilla haroldi E. A. Smith, 1890, but no replacement name has been proposed. [details]


Under ICZN Art. 13.1, the name Cypraeerato is not available from Schilder (1932), who fixed a type species, but did ... [details]


Turbonilla delli is the correct name for this species when Planpyrgiscus is treated as a synonym or subgenus of ... [details]


Unnecessary replacement name for Pleurotoma rosea Quoy & Gaimard 1833, which has priority over P. rosea Sowerby I, 1834. [details]


Replacement name for Turtonia Rosen, 1910, non Alder, 1948. [details]

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