Traits taxon details
Planorbella trivolvis kolymensis (Lindholm, 1932) †
1607149 (
Helisoma (Pierosoma) trivolvis kolymense Lindholm, 1932 † · unaccepted > superseded combination
fossil only
(of Helisoma (Pierosoma) trivolvis kolymense Lindholm, 1932 †) Lindholm W.A. (1932). On the finding of the American species Helisoma trivolvis Say (Gastropoda, Planobidae) in the Pleistocene deposits of the Kolyma River [= О нахождении американского Helisoma trivolvis Say (Gastropoda, Planorbidae) в плейстоцене р. Колымы]. <em>Trudy Komissii po izucheniyu proizvoditel'nykh sil AN SSSR. Seriya yakutskaya.</em> 11: 65–73. [In Russian].
page(s): 69, figs 1-4 [details] Available for editors
page(s): 69, figs 1-4 [details] Available for editors

MolluscaBase eds. (2024). MolluscaBase. Planorbella trivolvis kolymensis (Lindholm, 1932) †. Accessed through: Marine Species Traits editorial board (2024) Marine Species Traits at: on 2025-03-18
Marine Species Traits editorial board (2025). Marine Species Traits. Planorbella trivolvis kolymensis (Lindholm, 1932) †. Accessed at: on 2025-03-18
original description
(of Helisoma (Pierosoma) trivolvis kolymense Lindholm, 1932 †) Lindholm W.A. (1932). On the finding of the American species Helisoma trivolvis Say (Gastropoda, Planobidae) in the Pleistocene deposits of the Kolyma River [= О нахождении американского Helisoma trivolvis Say (Gastropoda, Planorbidae) в плейстоцене р. Колымы]. <em>Trudy Komissii po izucheniyu proizvoditel'nykh sil AN SSSR. Seriya yakutskaya.</em> 11: 65–73. [In Russian].
page(s): 69, figs 1-4 [details] Available for editors
page(s): 69, figs 1-4 [details] Available for editors